Galina Torkotyuk.

Warnish painted.


The works presented have been made according to the method of Tagil ornamental fine arts. The tagil varnish craft was founded under the Demidovs and had been known for over 250 years.
        Same as before a metal tray is a basis for painting. It features a two-color stroke. Dark and light paints are concurrently put on a brush. Oil paints are used. After painting the trays are covered with several layers of the varnish.
        I learned the basics of painting in Nizhniy Tagil from the best craftsmen and have been successfully on my own for 15 years. Over these years I have found my unique style of painting and color gamut.
        Besides the traditional metal I also use other materials like wood, beresta (an upper layer of birch bark), glass. In case of a panel working a background and a portion of painting is put on hard paper and the other portion on glass that allow to highlight the foreground and create a 3d effect.
        I've been extensively participating in various exhibitions. To 2004 represented my works on the international creativity in Genoa. Many of my works were bought for private collections in Europe, America, CIS countries and Russia.

To see my works:



paint on wood

easter eggs

paint on glass


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Sergey Ivanov "Live beresta"

Live beresta

        The «Live beresta» is a name of my training program which I would host on one of the local TV channels several years ago.
       The beresta is a material I have been working with. It is the really live material. Beresta never decays, it has bactericidal properties and is perfectly water tight. These properties of the beresta have been extensively used in Russia since dateless times. It was used to make home utensils like – salt cellars, bowls for pickling mushrooms, vegetables and keeping berries, grains and liquids.
        I use the beresta material (an upper layer of the birch bark) taken from the live trees in environmentally sound areas at 300 – 500 km northward from Ekaterinburg. Beresta is collected in May or June. It is the best time for stripping the birch trees since it is not at all harmful for the trees, it will not decay and the bare area will shortly be self-healed building a black protection layer over the stripped area.
        In 1993 I began to practice this craft. I've studied all traditional methods of beresta working and mastered the beresta artistic fine cutting and lettering. Then I pioneered a method of an openwork multilayer fine cutting (plates, butterflies, Easter eggs are made using this method) and a hot lettering technique which is my know-how.
        Since 1994 I have always participated in various exhibitions nationwide. In 1994 I displayed my products in Bulgaria. In June 1999 I participated in the V International UNESCO Congress that was held in our city.
        In 2002 year I had personal exhibitions in the munitsipal center "Gamaiun" in Ekaterinburg. Almost all my works that you can see on the pictures are kept in private collections in Russia, CIS countries, Europe, America, Asia.
        Replicating the work I can repeat its shape, size but I will never make the same ornament. That is why my works of art are unique. Recently I began to use the materials that had not been traditionally used with the beresta such as glass, metal and beads.

Sergei Ivanov

To see my works:


Openwork multilayer carve out.

Openwork multilayer carved.

Ornamental plates.


The birds of happiness.

Easter eggs.


Keyboards in beresta.

Traditional beresta.


write my.

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